Thursday, October 1, 2009

Permanent Scowl

I'm not quite sure what's up with it, but I've been noticing more and more that my facial features have been finding comfort in a strong and resilient scowl. The source of this new-found appearance might be directly related to the fact Don Draper scowls and so must I. Yes, I have a passion for the show Mad Men and everything Draper. Scowling definitely makes one feel a bit more in control, and I can see why Jon Hamm, the actor portraying Draper, uses it so effectively. My scowl's dialogue may sound like "How DARE you walk within my gaze? Out of the way!" It's fun, I highly suggest taking it for a whirl. My scowl typically takes shape on Market St. between Noon and 3 pm. There are no attractive people on this street. There are few attractive people in Philadelphia period. My scowl seems to add about 5 yrs to my life as well. There is a 30% increase in the likely hood that I will be referred to as Sir, when I am wearing my scowl. Wearing a scowl...has a funny ring to it. It almost sounds like wearing an angry scarf. Alas...I have devolved into stream of consciousness writing. ::Scowl::

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